Monday, April 13, 2009

Five years

It has been exactly 5 years since I felt that God first put that pull on my heart for adoption. Wow. I have learned and grown so much in that time. God has done incredible things in our lives, and hearts. And I have learned so much patience. Still working on that one though! This time of year rivals Christmas in the strange pull towards family expansion. Christmas is understandable. I am guessing the Spring surge has to do with hormones. LOL Why not, all the critters are feeling the twitterpation. Babymode has definitely set in.

If you read any adoption book, site, or blog, you will inevitably find something about bonding. Bonding parent to child, child to parent, children to each other, etc. While sitting in church this past Sunday listening to the speaker, I realized there is a whole lot of Me to God bonding going on. Bonding is not a one time occurrence. It happens slowly through many events, on a daily basis as we learn to trust. That is what has gone on through these 5 years and I am so thankful for every moment.

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