Thursday, October 29, 2009

We have an account!

About 2 weeks ago I went to the bank and set up our official Adoption Checking Account and put a starter fund in it! Baby steps but we are getting there! It feels so much more real now. Still have a lot of decisions to make, and funds to raise, but we are getting there. Yay!

Also November is Adoption Awareness month, and November 8th is Orphan Sunday. Please check out the link on the side bar for more info on that event! This is something so very dear to my heart.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Really awesome jewelry!

I wanted to mention that I have also added a link on the side to this really cool Etsy shop & Blog called Junk Posse. They have some really amazing Christian Adoption wearable art. Check em out!

Slowly Rolling!

I know it has been ages since I have posted anything here. I wasn't really sure what to say. We had quite a few back and forth moments while continuing to discuss the adoption. Now we are slowly creeping forward! This week i set up the dedicated checking account for our adoption funds! It's a start at least. We still have not fully decided on the 'where from', or special needs vs. healthy child. Both of us have a heart for the special needs, however we need to be sure the we have the resources to be the best option for that child. So it is still undecided. I know that when God brings us *our* child, we will know by the peace in our hearts.

Meanwhile I am making all sorts of blankets. Most of them will probably end up going to an orphanage because no kid needs this many! lol I just can't help myself though.